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Little Wellingtons Pre-School through the EYFS curriculum identifies the 3 characteristics of learning: playing and exploring, active learning and creating and thinking critically. All these aspects are implemented throughout the preschool by the practitioners observing children and monitoring their development and supporting the child’s needs and interest which is implemented through planning of the curriculum. This plans for all the learning areas and to have a focus activity which is adult lead and a child initiated activity that is identified through staff observing children and identifying their interests and planning activities to support children’s interest. Therefore activities are planned with continuous enhanced provision that enable children to explore the characteristics of effective learning. Within the planning of each session a theme of learning is included that is adult lead and observed.


Little Wellingtons an online learning journal that is Tapestry. Prctitioners make written observations of their key children and show photographs or videos to demonstrate their stage of development at pre-school which parents can access through a secure login.
The role of the practitioner or key worker is to follow the next steps identified through the observation and plan activites to support the child further.

The keyworker and your child

  • Your child’s keyworker will be the person who works with you to make sure that what we provide is right for your child’s specific needs and interests.
  • When your child first starts at the pre school, s/he will help your child to settle and will continue to support them to access and benefit from the pre-schools activities.
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