Daily Structure – Little Wellingtons Pre-School

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Opening Time

Little Wellingtons pre-school is open during term time. We are open for 38 weeks a year and within that are required to have 3 inset days throughout the year. A list of holiday dates is available as children are required to attend throughout the year during the term Absences are monitored and the school policy for holidays and notification of absence needs to be adhered to.

Morning session

School starts at 9am – 12pm

Lunch Time


Afternoon session

School starts at 12.30pm – 3.30pm

Session Routine

Morning session

9am: arrival time, self registration & Circle time
9.30am – 10.45am: Activities
11am – 11.45am: Outdoor play
11.45am -12pm: Story time, Goodbye

Lunch Time


Afternoon session

12.30pm – 2pm: arrival time, self registration & Circle time
2.15pm – 2.30pm: Activities, Outdoor play and free flow access to indoor classroom
2.30pm: Snack time
3pm – 3.30pm Story time, Goodbye

Collection Time

Children that attend the morning session need to be collected by 12pm and children that attend the afternoon session from 12.30 or attend a full day parents collect their children at 3.30pm. Late fees are charged at £2.50 per 5 minutes.

We offer an after-school club to 4.15pm if parents are interested. A breakfast club is being considered depending on parent interest.

Lunch Times

For the children that stay a full day, are supervised during the lunchtime by the staff and our kitchen supervisor who holds a basic food and hygiene certificate. Lunchtime is from 12pm-12.30pm. Children are taken to wash hands and are shown to the dinner table where they are seated. Parents have the opportunity to provide a hot or cold lunch. If they choose to bring a cooked packed lunch it will be heated and probed to ensure it has been warmed to the correct temperature. Food will be stored in a refrigerator during hot summer months. Parents are advised during these hot summer months to place coolers in their children’s lunchboxes also. There is a charge of £4 to cover the lunchtime supervision. Parents can allow their child to stay for the full day or they can be collected after lunch is finished at 12.30pm.

Refreshments & snack times

Parents are also requested to provide their children with a drinks bottle for them to easily access water throughout the session that will be placed on the back table for them to take when required.

Snack times are provided in the morning session from 10.30am and in the afternoon session from 2.30pm. The snack time is a free flow activity which children have the opportunity in the morning to have some warm toast and a variety of fruit provided by the parent that is cut up on a platter and shared with amongst the children. The snack time is prepared by the kitchen assistant. The children will know that they must go to wash their hands in the bathroom before sitting at the table for snack time. During this time children learn about healthy eating and learn to make good eating choice to stay healthy. They also learn to independently butter the toast and cut the toast using plastic cutlery and pour their own drinks from jugs into their cups that they independently take from the trolley. When children have finished their snack they know to take their plate and cup to the wash bowl and if available can wash up their plate. For the afternoon session children are not given toast but often a biscuit, fruit and drink.

Nap times

Younger children staying for the full day have a soft sleeping mat that is placed in a sectioned off area to not be disturbed by other children. Children sleep times are monitored and parents are informed of how long they have slept for.

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